


Emerging Risks 2022


Here we are another year commencing with Covid influencing life as we know it and the way we live!

As we move into 2022 what are the emerging risks to our post Covid world? How do move forward with business and manage our risks responsibly while still living everyday life?

We continue to manage ‘known’ exposures as best as possible such as asset loss or public liability matters with best practice methods helping to minimise claims. But what about those risks that we have yet to familiarise ourselves with. What are they? How do we prevent from future losses stemming from the unknown?

  • Intense pressures at the border front have led to tightening of border control measures which have further led to ongoing supply issues, no matter the industry. The delays caused by the strict border control measures force us to react accordingly, whether consuming part of the delays within our everyday business or preparing for them as best as possible ie ordering well in advance of deadlines. Business must take these supply issues into account to ensure minimal impact by customers.

  • With Governments forced to react to Covid, so too must our awareness of the everchanging legislative changes. We must be alert to the reactive Governmental stance on public safety otherwise we leave business open to future fines and being in breach of health regulations.

  • Mental Health should always be front of mind for every business’ employees. What is the impact of Covid having on our employees coming into year three? Keep staff engaged and employ strategies to help keep staff morale up.

  • Covid has forced business to consider the need for employees to be working from home helping to minimise community transmission, but with more and more staff working from home so potentially does our ability to be on the receiving end of vicious cyber-attacks. Anti-virus software is a must and further staff education into cyber threats.

Barry Katipunan