

Get the right amount of protection for your business.

Hills Insurance Solutions are your Construction Insurance experts, we specialise in Insurance Solutions for the Construction Industry. Get in contact with us today.



Business Insurance

Protect your business and ensure your assets are appropriately covered in the event of a loss. We can discuss an insurance package that is tailored to safeguard your livelihood.


Fire & Perils Cover – Cover for material damage to Buildings, Contents, Stock as a result of fire and other perils.

Glass – Glass coverage to the business location.

Theft – Theft cover will cater to loss of contents and stock arising from burglary.

Money – Cover for business money at your business location.

General Property – Cover for specified property ie. Tools of trade, laptops, mobile phones.

Machinery Breakdown – Cover for repair or replacement of machinery following a breakdown.

Computer & Electronic Equipment – Protects your computer and other electronic equipment from accidental damage or loss.

Public & Products Liability – Covers for third party property damage or bodily injury arising from negligent acts.

Business Interruption – Protects your business from loss of income following an interruption.

Tax Audit – Covering accountancy fees for any audit requirements  imposed by the Australian Tax Office.



Construction Insurance

It is important for builders and contractors to consider the right level of protection to ensure they are appropriately covered whilst on and off site.


Contract Works – Protection against material damage loss in association with contracted responsibilities in the event of fire, flood, malicious, storm & tempest damage.

Principal Supplied Materials - Get cover for loss associated to principal supplied materials.

Machinery / Plant & Tool Cover – Protection for various machinery, plant and tool equipment that are owned.

Transit – Cover for materials whilst in transit, against loss arising from fire, tempest & collision damage.

Off Site Material Storage – Cover for materials whilst being stored off site.

Existing Structures – Additional protection for existing homes and structures whilst undergoing renovation.

Display Home Cover – Coverage extension for builders to consider any display buildings and display contents.

Owner Builder Contract Works – Material damage insurance cover for owner builder sites in the event of fire, flood, malicious, storm & tempest damage.



Public/Products Liability

Public Liability exposures can vary depending on the business. Get the right amount of cover most appropriate for your operations.

Public Liability - will protect your business against third party property damage or bodily injury arising from negligent acts.

Products Liability – will protect your business against third party property damage or bodily injury caused as a result of a product manufactured, constructed, erected, installed or supplied by your business.

Property in Care, Custody or Control - Cover for items whilst in the care, custody or control of the Insured.



Professional Indemnity

Important protection for business professionals covering against claims of financial loss arising from negligent advice, services or design activities, as well as covering business professionals for their errors or omissions.



HBCF Home Warranty Insurance

Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF) Insurance in NSW is required for Builders and Contractors commencing residential works over $20,000. HBCF covers for defective or incomplete contracted works following a Builder or Contractors death, disappearance, insolvency or loss of builder/contractors licence due to failure to comply with a court/tribunal order. HBCF is consumer protection cover which is only available through the NSW State Government - iCare HBCF.

Hills Insurance Solutions work in partnership with approved iCare HBCF distributors. Please refer to the iCare HBCF website for more information.


The information on this site is for general information purposes only and does not take into account your particular needs and objectives. For appropriate advice you should contact our office to determine which products and services are most appropriate for your needs. As the website does not include full details of any products referred to, you should read the respective policy wording that can be made available on request. We will not be liable to any individual or organisation for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the site.