


iCare HBCF's Automated Builder Scorecard Review


What has changed?

  • June 2021 – iCare HBCF took over Risk Management services for the Major Builder segment from Corporate Scorecard

  • April 2022 – iCare HBCF transitioned the management of Risk Management services for the remaining builders from Corporate Scorecard

  • July 2022 - iCare HBCF will introduce the auto assessment option. The Automated Builder Scorecard Review (ASR) will streamline the eligibility review process. It will seek to review an applicants Entity Type, Credit File Enquiries, Commercial Adverse Developments, Credit Enquiries, Propietorships and Adjusted Bureau In-depth Trading History Score

What is the process for ASR?

  • Following conversation with your iCare HBCF distributor, an application will be submitted to iCare HBCF

  • The application will be assessed by an iCare underwriter

  • If eligible, an ASR score will be obtained

  • Should all key characteristics be acceptable to the ASR model, an automated approval outcome will be provided

  • The approval with all conditions and construction profiles will be identified and communicated to the applicant via your iCare HBCF distributor

All manual HBCF review assessments will remain in place and not change along with respective time frames.

Speak to your iCare HBCF distributor regarding your eligibility or the Automated Builder Scorecard Review process.