


Minimising Exposure on Construction Sites


Has your construction site been impacted by a fire/storm event?

Are you contemplating what actions to take to reduce ongoing exposure?

What are some specific steps to help minimise further disruption?

Following an earlier article on ‘Risk Mitigation & Forward Planning’, below are some important points to consider assisting your construction business when the unexpected happens.

Ongoing Fire Damage Prevention

  • € Ensuring large rubbish i.e., cardboard and plastics, is collected and placed into bins

  • € Sweeping floors and placing waste into bins

  • € Emptying minor bins into skip bins or ensuring they are stored away from the main works

  • € Checking walkways, access points and common areas are clear of obstructions

  • € Erecting clearly visible security and warning signs.

 Ongoing Theft/Malicious Damage Prevention

  • € Covering and securing materials and placing them inside where possible

  • € Removing all hand tools and minor plant or securing them in a locked room or container

  • € Ensuring all security fencing and hoardings are in place and unobstructed from debris

  • € Confirming doors, windows and entry points are locked

  • € Fixing solar motion sensor lights to the front and back of the site (these small lights are a cheap theft deterrent that don’t require mains power)

  • € Leaving site security check-in sheet in an accessible location

  • € Turning off or shutting down all services including power, water and gas.

 Ongoing Weather Damage Prevention

  • € Checking all temporary supports and formwork are sufficient for a prolonged shutdown

  • € Covering unsecured areas and materials with coverings or tarps

  • € Infilling trenches and pits to prevent inundation or collapse where possible

  • € Covering newly poured concrete with plastic sheeting

  • € Assigning an individual to complete regular checks of the construction site at least once every 72 hours and check the above.

Construction site shutdown checklist - August 2021 (1).pdf