


Post Coronavirus - What are my WHS obligations as a Small Business Owner?


As the Australian government slowly looks to relax its restrictive measures, life begins to resemble some level of normalcy - including returning to work. So what are our obligations as small business owners and risk savvy employers to meet Work Health Safety standards for employees?

Businesses have a duty of care to their employees and need to minimise any further outbreak or employee exposure to the Coronavirus in the workplace environment. All businesses must look toward a certain amount of ‘Controlled Measures’ to assist in a safe return to work strategy.

  • Maintaining and stressing the importance of strict hygiene measures at work is a must. Make sure to keep up regular communication with staff electronically as well as posting up signage around the office/workplace regarding the necessary health standards which must be adhered to. Think about appropriate messaging to your customers too, this may help in limiting certain access to public areas shared with employees.

  • Where possible offer solutions that would stagger the return of staff to the workplace and encourage the possibility to remain working from home.

  • Whilst not all duties can be avoided, consider altering tasks that would normally require working in close proximity of one another.

  • Contemplate your office/workplace layout and ensure the correct distance between workstations has been met to help minimise any further transmission of pathogens between individuals. The correct distance as recognised by Safe Work Australia is ensuring 4 square meters of space per person and maintaining at least 1.5 metres apart.

  • For certain tasks provide employees the necessary Personal Protective Equipment necessary to keep safe. This may include providing hand sanitation stations in strategic areas.

  • Continuously advise your staff that we must all do our part by ensuring everyone adheres to social distancing and by practicing good hygiene. If a colleague is unwell or displaying signs of infection alert them to seek further medical attention and take the necessary steps to manage the risk. For guidance in suspected cases of infection in the work environment refer to  In NSW you may also consider the Covid-19 helpline 1300 066 055 or refer to the CovidSafe App.